Giving Tzedakah to be Famous- A Problem? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 7:33 minutes
Donations Under Pressure January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 7:03 minutes
Is This Meshulach A Fraud? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 10:10 minutes
The Donor And The Plaque January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:51 minutes
Must I Collect Money To Afford Mitzvah Items? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 12:52 minutes
Accepting Donations From A Non-Frum Jew January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:33 minutes
Who Can Receive Tzedakah As A “Poor” Person? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 14:06 minutes
Using Maaser Money To Pay For Fertility Treatments January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 22:38 minutes
The Status of a Pushkah in Halachah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:05 minutes
Community Members First in Dinei Tzedakah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 12:08 minutes
The Man Who Pledged Money To The Shul And Then Moved January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 9:55 minutes
The Idea of R’ Chaim About Two Types of Tzedakah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 12:20 minutes
The Deduction of Maaser Money for Tuition January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:23 minutes
The Amount of Money One Should Give to Tzedakah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:35 minutes
Basics of Hilchos Tzedakah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 15:05 minutes
Pledging Tzedakah to a Shul January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:51 minutes
Must You Give Maaser From Wedding Gifts? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:56 minutes
Precedence for Yerushalayim in Hilchos Tzedakah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:08 minutes