Beshalach: R’ Chaim Volozhiner’s Amazing Trick To Get Your Prayer Answered January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:43 minutes
Va’eira: The Tefilla of a Baal Teshuva Vs. an FFB January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:28 minutes
A Halacha for Berachos 10: R’ Moshe Feinstien’s Major Chiddush About Women Eating Breakfast Before Davening January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:02 minutes
A Halacha for Mikeitz: “Daven For Me And I’ll Daven For You”- Does This Work? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 7:38 minutes
Vayishlach: R’ Moshe Feinstien’s Incredible Gem About The Miracles of Nature January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 9:14 minutes
The Dispute Between R’ Moshe and the Chofetz Chaim about Irreligious Jews in your Minyan January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD
The Basement Minyan- A Problem? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:11 minutes
Saying Tehillim at Night and the “Middas Hadin” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 10:21 minutes
The Pasul Sefer Torah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 9:42 minutes
Women and “Modeh Ani” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 14:29 minutes
Wearing a Hat For Davening-A Must? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 8:05 minutes
My Favorite Aliyah- Shelishi or Shishi? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 5:58 minutes
Can You Daven For Your Friend In Order To Get Answered First? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 10:38 minutes
Should I Read Along During My Aliyah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 15:03 minutes
Tefillas Haderech January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 17:13 minutes
“Kaddish Derabbanan” After Learning January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 17:28 minutes
Reciting Kerias Shema In English January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:52 minutes
Renovating A Shul In Halachah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 15:26 minutes