Going to the Mikvah With Lice in Your Hair January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 17:10 minutes
Going to the Mikvah on Friday Night January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 28:10 minutes
Going to the Mikvah Friday Night with Long Fingernails January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 24:06 minutes
Going To The Mikvah During the Day January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 22:14 minutes
Going to the Mikvah During the “Yemei Tohar” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 9:49 minutes
Eating Together With Your Wife Who’s a Niddah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 16:30 minutes
Distancing From Arayos January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 23:11 minutes
Is a Temporary Filling a Chatzizah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 18:58 minutes
Is Makeup And Nail-Polish A Chatzizah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 14:11 minutes
Are Knots In Your Hair A Chatzizah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 16:38 minutes
Are Contact Lenses a Chatzizah in the Mikvah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:16 minutes
An “Amasla” By a Niddah and an Eid Echad January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 24:44 minutes
A Woman Sees Blood But Has a “Makkah” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:55 minutes
A Woman Lost Her Bedikah Cloth- What Now? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:01 minutes
Bedikos After Tashmish Soon After Marriage January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 17:29 minutes
A Niddah Drinking From Kiddush January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 17:47 minutes
A Chatzizah That Is Found After The Tevilah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 24:37 minutes
“Indirect Touching” When Your Wife is a Niddah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 10:30 minutes