When Should the Berachah Be Recited on Challah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:43 minutes
The Exemption of “Daato Lechalek” in Hilchos Challah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:53 minutes
Rules of “Tziruf Sal” in Hilchos Challah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 21:57 minutes
Is There a Hafrashah Challah For Waffles and Pancakes? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 15:54 minutes
How To Properly Do “Tziruf Sal” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 11:18 minutes
Hafrashas Challah “Min Hamukaf” January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 14:54 minutes
Does Lukshen Kugel Require Hafrashas Challah? January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 13:15 minutes
Combining Other Ingredients with Flour to Create a Shiur January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 16:55 minutes
Being Mafrish Challah as a Guest January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 10:59 minutes
The Correct Time For Hafrashas Challah January 1, 1970 play_circle_filled close add keyboard_arrow_down DOWNLOAD 18:52 minutes